Review: Milonga Primavera

23rd March 2011


I went to this a black-tie ball, organised by Tango Victoria in Tring, on Saturday 19th March 2011.

The venue

The location was at Victoria Hall (not surprisingly!), in Akerman street.

Victoria hall is gorgeous, lovely high ceilings and an excellent floor - here's what it looks like on a class night:


For the ball, the place was decorated lovingly, lots of nice tables to sit at, and the whole atmosphere was great; it demonstrates what a difference a good venue makes to the atmosphere.

There was another room downstairs selling shoes - lots of shoes - so that kept many of the ladies very busy. I didn't venture down there, it can get a bit scary when Cif-fever hits...

The Performances

There were three performances mid-evening, from Alexandra Wood and Giraldo Escobar:

As always, they were lovely to watch, and especially enjoyed their final (milonga) show.

The dancing

It was lovely to see a large group of Herts-based people dancing Tango; the Tango community there has clearly grown nicely, thanks to the enthusiasm of organisers like Tango Victoria, and all credit to them for this.

The music was very danceable-to; I'd have preferred a few more vals tandas, but the tangos were great, so I'm not complaining (well, not too much). I'm not a big fan of using swing music as cortinas, but that's just personal taste.

There were no issues on floorcraft, at least not compared to the average London venue (!), and everyone seemed very friendly.

I left the evening wanting to dance with more people, and that's always a good sign.

Other comments

A few suggestions for tweaks the next event (October, I believe):

  • Gender balancing. I noticed that it looked like there were quite a few women over in the evening. For a ball-type event, I think it's reasonable to try to gender-balance the tickets if possible.
  • Finishing time. It was a shame that the evening finished at 11:30pm - I assume this was a licensing restriction, as it's a residential area, but maybe worth trying to see if there's any way to get an extension? It's a shame to finish the evening so early. And it's not like Tango dancers are unruly nightclub crowd dancing to loud thumpy music... :)
  • Finishing warning. Maybe worth announcing "last tanda" when it's the, um, last tanda? Otherwise the ending seemed a bit abrupt.

Other than that, the event was lovely. I really enjoyed myself, and I'm very glad I went to it.

~ David Bailey, 23rd March 2011