Berkhamsted Class Notes, June 2012

These are the class notes for June 2012 Tango classes in Berkhamsted.

10th June: Crossed-system cadencia and Barridas

Posture: lean forwards until your toes curl ("like a cat"), then lean backwards slowly until they've just uncurled - that's the posture you should retain during your dancing.

Beginner class: Tempo and crossed-system cadencia

We looked at changing tempo within the dancing - changing from slow movements to quick ones. We practiced walking in single-time and double-time, and varying between single and double time stepping.

Key points:

  • Your average "speed" should stay pretty much constant - double-time steps should be half-size.
  • So don't lead a double-time movement simply by rushing forwards.
  • Whenever you change tempo - going into and out of double-time, for example - you need to clearly lead that change of tempo. Don't yank your partner around.

We then looked at a cadencia-in-crossed system variation, involving:

  • Man sidestep left, change weight (woman sidesteps, no weight change)
  • Man does a standard cadencia sequence (rock forwards and back, then sidestep)
  • Woman rocks back and forwards, then pivots and steps in a back ocho

This illustrates the quick-quick-slow movements.

Improver class: Barridas within giros

We looked at a barrida (sweep) as part of a giro movement, sweeping the sidestep after the backstep of a giro.

Key points:

  • Leaders, don't force the move - no pushing of feet please. The feet simply happen to be in contact when you lead a step - as normal - with the body.
  • Followers, similarly, move your feet as normal when led to do so - ignore the fact that the feet are touching; don't react differently based on this.


17th June: Walk, embrace, pivot

Beginner class: Walk and embrace

We looked at the basics of the close, parallel embrace, and using it to walk along; examining forwards, side and weight transfer movements.

Key points:

  • Contact along the upper body, solar plexus to solar plexus, symmetrical
  • Well suited for walking and small movements, typically with traditional music
  • Axes can be separate or shared - so "lean" can vary
  • Not ideal for sweeping movements, crosses, or flashy steps

Improver class: Pivots (forward ochos)

We looked at forward ochos (we also spent a little while looking at giros).

Key points:

Ochos involve a pivot plus a forward step (or, a forward step then a pivot):

  • The step (then pivot) is done on the leg closest to the leader (the "inside leg")
  • The follower must keep her upper body facing the leader as far as possible
  • Can be led in with no leader foot movement (i.e. leader leads with chest only), or in crossed-system with the leader taking sidesteps alongside the follower's forward steps.


24th June: Axis, stability, giros and enrosques

Salon class: Axis and stability

"Axis" = the imaginary line through head, torso and abdomen to the weight-bearing leg and foot. Your axis, and your partner's axis, shifts each time you take a step. If you turn, your body rotates around this axis (like a spinning top).

"On axis" = you are completely balanced on your own. That imaginary line is vertical. If your partner disappears, you won't fall over.

"Off axis" = you are tilted, and need support from the the other person. That imaginary line is off-vertical. If your partner disappears, you will fall over.

"Shared axis" = you and your partner are leaning on each other (you're both off-axis), and this creates a single shared axis between the two of you. Shared axis is relevant for leans (volcadas and colgadas) and for dancing "apilado style".

We worked on some simple movements, focussing on keeping on our axis, and on maintaining our stability throughout the dancing.

Nuevo class: giros and enrosques

For the Tango Nuevo class, we initially split into male / female groups: the women focussing on giros, and the men focussing on enrosques.

We then put these two components together, to ensure the men could lead giros from a stable base point, making a giro sequence more natural and more smooth.