Class Notes: December 2011

These are the class notes for December 2011 Tango classes in Berkhamsted.

4th December: Giros and social dancing

Beginner class: Giros

A "Giro" (pronounced "Hero") is a turn. Typically, the leader stands in place, and the follower is led to walk in a circular path around the leader (either clockwise or anticlockwise).

We looked at leading a giro using chest rotation, and about following it in a standard forward-side-back-side pattern, in both directions.

Key points for the follower:

  • Dissociation - keep your upper body facing the centre of the point you're walking around.
  • Collect your legs in between every step.
  • Don't overtake leaders - take your time on the walks

The lead is to start rotating around. This can be done from any point, in either direction.

Key points for the leader

  • The rotation is a smooth and continuous motion, not a step-stop-step-stop movement.
  • There's no mandatory footwork - feel free to simply shuffle around - but don't move your feet too much, as you want to try to keep a single rotation point for your follower to walk around.
  • To lead the rotation, open up the shoulders whilst rotating - keep the chest moving ahead of the feet.
  • Keep upright - balls of the feet.


Improvers class: Social dancing

A very brief overview of "Dos and don'ts" list for social dancing:

Advice for leaders:

  • Obey the line of dance.
  • Don't overtake, it's not a race.
  • Ask for dances courteously.
  • Above all else, protect your partner.

Advice for followers:

  • Be careful with your heels, they can be dangerous weapons.
  • Accept or reject dances courteously.

Advice for all:

  • Remember the "3-dance" rule - "tandas" are groups of dances separated by interlude music ("Cortinas").
  • "Thank you" means "Goodbye".
  • Respect the other dancers on the floor.

Dancing small

Dancing in a social atmosphere requires additional skills, expecially for the leader. The best way to develop those skills is to attend milongas.

Exercise 1: Confined space navigation

We blocked off most of the dance floor, forcing the class to dance in a very small area

The aim of this exercise is to get the feeling of dancing very close to other couples, to work on the awareness of other dancers on the dance floor.

Exercise 2: Train

We did a "train", with one person walking slowly in front of the train, and the other dancers following behind them at that (slow) pace.

The aim of this exercise is to simulate the speed of dancing within the environment of a milonga.

Exercise 3: Cabaceo

We did number of cabaceo "role-play" attempts, with the men on one side and the ladies on another, all making eye contact and then the men walking over to the ladies they had obtained a "yes" from.

The aim of this exercise is to simulate asking and accepting conventions used in tango social dances.
